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To the Church in America

To the Church in America

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How does the Church meet the needs of people in North America? In this volume, Pope John Paul II and his immediate predecessors answer the concern of bishops, priests, religious and laity. Each in his own way calls us to:

- a renewed commitment to God's Word
- a profound respect and exteem for ethical and religious values
- the worth of every human person
- the holiness of personal conversion
- the cause of Catholic education...the cause of Jesus Christ and of his Gospel at the service of man
- supporting and defending the family
- a new era of Eucharistic piety
- a profound respect for the laws of the Creator and Lord of life
- a more diligent and fruitful use of the Sacrament of Penance
- a renewal of love...a real civilisation of love
- the undiluted message of the Gospel
- the true progress of ecumenism
- a deeper understanding of social responsibility

The Vicars of Christ assure us: "We are close to our people in their problems and difficulties. They must always know that we love them."

John Paul II


St Pauls Publications

Related Collections:
John Paul II
St Pauls Publications

Bookshelf: 19E

ISBN/Code: 819873144

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