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The Shroud of Turin and Historical Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Existential Crisis and the Gospel Message

The Shroud of Turin and Historical Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Existential Crisis and the Gospel Message

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The book is about the historical proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead based on verifiable ancient history. The book is also about the 150,000 hours of research done on the ancient relic known as the Shroud of Turin, but also how the information studied proves the resurrection based on the science explained by particle physicists. This treatise identifies the cause of the existential crisis in man which leads to despair and the common issues of anxiety, severe depression, insecurity, and fear.

This book provides hope for all in an existential crisis through understanding the meaning and purpose for their existence, God's eternal plan and purpose for individuals, and the in-depth theology of atonement which brings man into a relationship with a loving God. This book is the good news about the Saviour of the world and his special love for his elect people. The love was manifested by the sacrifice he made for those foreknown and predesignated by him before the world began. Eric Folds is the Pastor of The Christian Church of God, Inc and the Dean of Christian University and Theological Seminary. He has authored numerous books. He is a Consultant and a Nouthetic Counsellor. He has studied Theology, Quantum Physics, Ancient History, Ministry, Archaeology, Apologetics, Behavioural Psychology, and Pastoral Counselling. He works with people that are traumatized. He's an entrepreneur and a small business owner. He has seen the miraculous happen and lives radically transformed by the power of Jesus Christ as the risen saviour. He is married to Kimberly Folds. Gabriel Folds and Joshua Folds are his two sons.

Folds, Eric


Salem Publishing Solutions

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