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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Explained

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Explained

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330pages. pb Great Value! (Because heavily subsidised by the generous couple who print it and make it available)

From the preface by Camillus Paul Maes, Bishop of Covington (written before the Second Vatican Council):

This is a very old-fashioned book; a book written with sturdy faith and solid devotional feeling which knows no doubt, and acknowledges God's best work with a thankful heart. It will be refreshing reading to the public, the majority of which lives and acts as if God were not nigh to us and His saving Sacrifice were not the immolation of His Body and the actual spilling of His Blood. In these days of material wonders we believe in the supernatural life of the Church just as a spoiled child believes in the love of its parents, viz. we take it for granted and do not bother about it. Some men believe only in a general, abstract way, and go to Mass as a man without appetite goes to the table at the dinner hour - because it is customary.

To bring home to all the divine reality of the incomprehensible Eucharistic act which the Lord Jesus daily reproduces through the ministry of His priests, let us recall, in the words of the Catechism of the Council of Trent, the doctrine which all believing Catholics have to accept of as faith, relying on our pious author to stir up all the more successfully the generous belief of the heart.

"Of all the sacred mysteries bequeathed to us by Our Lord as unfailing sources of Grace, there is none that can be compared to the most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist" (Catechism of the Council of Trent Part II).

Von Cochem, Fr Martin


BAC Australia Pty Ltd

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Von Cochem, Fr Martin

Bookshelf: 8D

ISBN/Code: 646286951

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