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The Footprints of God: Peter - Keeper Of The Keys

The Footprints of God: Peter - Keeper Of The Keys

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Why would Jesus choose a rugged, uneducated fisherman to lead His Church? Discover the answer in Peter, Keeper of the Keys.

He is called the Rock, the Fisher of Men and Head of the Church. But how did Peter ÔÇö a rustic fisherman ÔÇö come to deserve such honor and authority? Join Stephen Ray, best-selling Catholic author and dynamic speaker, on a journey of adventure and discovery. Follow Peter from Galilee to Jerusalem to Rome.

Along the trail you'll discover answers about the infallibility of the Pope, papal succession, the truth of Catholic teaching and much more! And you'll see why Jesus chose this simple fisherman and his papal successors to be the Keepers of the Keys and Shepherds of the Church. All in a fast-paced, entertaining format that combines the best elements of a travel documentary, a biography, a Bible study, an apologetics course and a Church history study!

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Bookshelf: 21D

ISBN/Code: 897079001119

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