O Holy Night
O Holy Night
The most beautiful Christmas poetry ever written! ÔÇö and a perfect gift for your Christian friends
Gathered from twenty-eight centuries, ten languages, and sixty-four authors, here is a uniquely diverse and yet wondrously harmonious collection of voices united in praise for the newborn Savior. Indeed, O Holy Night! is the broadest anthology of Christmas poetry ever collected in the English language.
For years, poet Johann Moser searched through rare and hard-to-find works to unearth forgotten treasures of Nativity poetry. Now he brings together these undeservedly obscure masterpieces with familiar favorites - so that each can delight and inspire you anew with gratitude for the birth of the Holy Infant.
From Virgil to Rilke, from Dante to Pasternak, Moser has found the worldÔÇÖs most brilliant works of Christmas literature - and he has carefully arranged them so that the collection as a whole sings with transcendent beauty, as does each of the individual pieces.
These poems will enrich your Christmas celebrations year after year, as they restore in you a lively sense of the miracle of Christmas. Use them during Advent for private devotion, or read them aloud to your family or in your prayer group.
Soon the noise of mechanical Santas and musical reindeer will fade, leaving you in silent, reverent adoration of our Lord. In these poems is a gift that lasts - the beauty of our Christian tradition!
ÔÇ£A splendid collection of Christmas poetry, freshly drawn from the centuries.ÔÇØ Richard Wilbur
ÔÇ£What a glorious anthology this is! It contains nothing but the very best of Christmas poetry.ÔÇØ Thomas Howard
ÔÇ£A tremendous collection of poems, many in new translation, which, if words could, would do the Incarnation justice.ÔÇØ Aidan Nichols, O.P.
Includes works from; Virgil ÔÇó Cynewulf ÔÇó John Donne Quirinus Kuhlmann ÔÇó The Roman Antiphonary ÔÇó St. Cyril of Jerusalem Andreas Gryphius ÔÇó G. K. Chesterton ÔÇó Dante Alighieri ÔÇó Alexander Pope Richard Crashaw ÔÇó St. Bernard of Clairvaux ÔÇó Gerard Manley Hopkins William Butler Yeats ÔÇó Geoffrey Chaucer ÔÇó Johannes Tauler ÔÇó John Milton St. Bonaventure ÔÇó St. Robert Southwell ÔÇó Samuel Taylor Coleridge ÔÇó St. John of the Cross ÔÇó St. Teresa of Avila ÔÇó George Herbert ÔÇó Ben Jonson ÔÇó T. S. Eliot ÔÇó St. Cosmas ÔÇó St. Romanos Charles Peguy ÔÇó Heinrich Heine ÔÇó Boris Pasternak ÔÇó Rainer Maria Rilke ÔÇó The Gelasian Sacramentary ÔÇó And many, many more!
Moser, Johann M (ed)
Sophia Institute Press
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Sophia Institute Press
ISBN/Code: 918477247
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