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Life Issues, Medical Choices

Life Issues, Medical Choices

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Professor Janet Smith and Christopher Kaczor, Ph.D., are well known for their bioethics books, articles, and presentations. Their collaboration here offers guidelines for health care providers and individuals faced with an array of medical-ethical choices. Content is based on fundamental principles of Church teaching, where available, and on the thinking of moral theologians in areas of developing medical technology and treatment.

The book comprises such topics as reproductive technologies and beginning- and end-of-life issues. Each section consists of 7 to 14 questions and in-depth answers. A final chapter relates the Ten Commandments to ethics for medical professionals and suggests ways they can be applied to challenging situations. Extensive chapter resource lists and notes round out the book.

Throughout their work, the authors draw attention to connections between the topics and the relationship of all to the larger question of life issues and medical choices. In the section on fundamentals, for example, they provide a four-page explanation of the concept of "double effect," a method for analyzing actions that have two or more morally significant effects. Double effect comes up again under beginning-of-life issues (treatment of ectopic pregnancies) and cooperation with evil (separating conjoined twins).

With its clear and thorough treatment of more than 50 specific questions, this work is a valuable resource for medical professionals, ministers, and families.

Smith & Kaczor


Servant Books

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Servant Books

Bookshelf: 17D

ISBN/Code: 9780867168082

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