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John Of The Cross (Leonardo Defillipis)

John Of The Cross (Leonardo Defillipis)

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Here is the intriguing story of the greatest poet that Spain has ever known, in a video that has the depth and beauty of a 16th century masterpiece.

Leonardo and Patti Defilippis play all the main characters, including John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila, and the film also includes a cast of more than sixty extras/

John's mystical poem, The Spiritual Canticle runs as a connecting thread through the piece, and the suspenseful story keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591) joined the great Teresa of Avila in a renewal of the Carmelite order during the Golden Age of Spain.

In Leonardo Defilippis' warmly moving portrait, John is seen in his poverty-stricken childhood, and then as a young friar who becomes the leader of the reform with Teresa.

As the tension of the drama heightens, he is kidnapped by his own religious brothers and imprisoned in a closet for nine torturous months.

It is there that he composes much of his immortal poetry, and enters into a mystical union with God. His story will speak to all who long for peace and prayer in their turbulent lives.

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