Ignatius the Theologian
Ignatius the Theologian
Sometimes when my understanding rose up above without willing of my own, I thought I could behold something of the divine Being which otherwise, even had I so wished, I never felt it in my power to behold - page 4.
Ignatius is one of the giants of the Church, very well known as an organizer and founder of the Society of Jesus. But too few know him as a theologian, or appreciate his spirituality.
Hugo Rahner shows how the better-known Ignatius is in fact the natural conclusion of his theology, founded in perceiving God in prayer. The book's remarkable analysis demonstrates the centrality of Christology in Ignatius, and helps to make sense of the famous Ignatian axiom "finding God in all things."
Rahner, Fr Hugo, SJ
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Rahner, Fr Hugo, SJ
ISBN/Code: 898702909
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