Fire of Love: A Historical Novel About Saint John of the Cross
Fire of Love: A Historical Novel About Saint John of the Cross
Thus, Gonzalo and Catalina were wed in simplicity, and their
union produced three sons, the youngest of whom came to be known as
Saint John of the Cross.
Stories of saints do not often begin
with their parents' courtship. But in this historical novel, love is at
the very center of the drama, for Saint John of the Cross became one of
the Church's foremost experts on intimacy with God. His mystical poems
on divine love are considered some of the greatest verses ever written
in the Spanish language.
Richly drawn against the backdrop of Spain's Golden Age, the novel follows the joys and hardships experienced by the family of young Juan de Yepes Alvarez. His attraction to doing good for others, his call to the priesthood and his entrance into the Carmelites all unfold with captivating style. Testing Saint John to the utmost were his efforts, along with those of Saint Teresa of Avila, to reform the Carmelite Order. His Brothers in religion harshly resisted him, locking him in a cell where he was frequently beaten and nearly starved to death. In spite of all, this ardent and fascinating man would write: "Where there is no love, put love and you will gain love."
Olaizola, Jose Luis
Ignatius Press
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Ignatius Press
ISBN/Code: 9781586174064
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