Crossbows & Crucifixes: A Novel of the Priest Hunters and the Brave Young Men Who Fought Them
Crossbows & Crucifixes: A Novel of the Priest Hunters and the Brave Young Men Who Fought Them
In The Creator and the Creature, the great Father Faber scrutinizes the relationship between man and God. He states that this book is at the "source and origin" of all his other books, because it contains the fundamen­tal insight which leads to proper understanding about all the other aspects of our religion. Man in the modern era, he explains, does not deny the existence of God, but rather His sovereignty,and even though this denial is tacit, not stated, man lives this denial in his relationship to God. It takes various forms, for example, limiting what demands God can place on man, making his own inter­pretations of the moral law, and setting his own will and his own welfare before God's will for him.
Although com­posed in 1856, this book reads as if it were written today. The tendency of man to arrogate to himself the preroga­tives of God-strong in Father Faber's time -is epidemic today and cannot but influence Catholics, thus the press­ing need to reintroduce Fr. Faber's The Creator and the Creature.
Father Frederick William Faber was born in Yorkshire, England in 1814. He was converted from the Anglican ministry to Catholicism in 1845. Ordained a priest in 1847, he joined the Oratorians in 1848 and worked with John Henry Cardinal Newman. In addition to numerous fine hymns, Fr. Faber authored nine books, including the following (which are available in this series): Spiritual Conferences, All for Jesus, Growth in Holiness, The Blessed Sacrament, The Foot of the Cross, The Pre­cious Blood, Bethlehem and The Creator and the Creature.
Faber, Fr FW
TAN Books
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Faber, Fr FW
TAN Books
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ISBN/Code: 895550768
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