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Christ Our Hope Papal Addresses of the Apostolic Journey To the United States\r\n(2008)

Christ Our Hope Papal Addresses of the Apostolic Journey To the United States\r\n(2008)

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Christ Our Hope provides the complete record of the twenty-one addresses, speeches, and homilies during Pope Benedict XVI's 2008 Apostolic Journey to the United States. Included in this collection are the Holy Father's

- interview during the flight to the U.S
- meeting with the U.S. bishops at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
- address to Catholic Educators at the Catholic University of America
- addresses to the General Assembly of the United Nations
- addresses given during interfaith and ecumenical gatherings
- meeting with young people and seminarians at St. Joseph's Seminary
- prayer during the visit to Ground Zero
- homilies given during Masses at National Park and Yankee Stadium.

Christ our Hope concludes with reflections on the significance of this historic papal visit, given by

- Most Rev. Celestino Migliore, Apostolic Nuncio the the United Nations
- Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington
- His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan, Archbishop of New York

Benedict XVI


Paulist Press

Related Collections:
Benedict XVI
Paulist Press

Bookshelf: 12D

ISBN/Code: 9780809105618

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