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Catholic Children's Treasure Box Book 9

Catholic Children's Treasure Box Book 9

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The Treasure Box books are finally back! After a brief appearance in 1957-58, they soon became rare and hard to find. The few families who still have copies hang onto them as a family heirloom. Why?
The Treasure Box books present a wonderful combination of fun, innocence and the Catholic Faith. They teach the Faith in a simple way, and they inspire children's hearts to love God. The pictures are truly beautiful, unlike the cartoon illustrations found in many children's books today. These books are full of Catholic doctrine, presented reverently and simply at a young child's level, in a manner to capture the child's interest and raise the heart to God.

The Treasure Box books show children how to be good! They teach obedience, reverence and love for God, love and respect for parents, how to "do what God wants," honesty in word and deed, how to pray, love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the importance of Baptism, the role of the Guardian Angels--and of the devils, how to make things right after being naughty, and how to have fun without toys or T.V. Overall, these books convey a spirit of goodness, purity and proper Catholic order, providing a marvelous foundation for more formal religious instruction. There is nothing else like the Treasure Box books available today!

Two highlights of Treasure Box which your children may well remember for the rest of their lives are the beautiful stories of St. Therese--"A Little Girl Named Therese" (Books 1-6)--and the stories about Wupsy the Guardian Angel (Books 1-7, 9-10) and his adventures caring for Sunny, a little African boy. The St. Therese stories teach the beautiful motto of "I want to love God every minute!"--and they show children exactly how to do so, especially by making a string of movable beads to count their daily "presents for God." (Book 5).

Also very memorable--as well as highly entertaining--is the story of "The Boy Who Told Lies." (Book 3). Our Lady's life from childhood is told (Books 7 & 8), and then another story shows a girl who imitates Mary in daily life. (Books 9 & 10). Other features of the series are a humorous back-cover jingle zeroing in on some bad habit of childhood (scribbling on walls, leaving shoes untied, etc.), read-along pages where the child "reads" the pictures interspersed among the text, a section called "How Would You Play if You Had No Toys or Games or Books?" and--for grown-ups--the beautiful instructions from Fr. Ginder on inside covers. Plus, there are other stories, poems, games and simple crafts. This is a real "Treasure Box"!

Maryknoll Sisters


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ISBN/Code: 9780895555595

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