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Between the Forest and the Hills

Between the Forest and the Hills

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A HUMOROUS FANTASY tale set in ancient Britain. Iscium, an isolated Roman town in the west of Britain, is cut off from the collapsing Empire. Most of the town senators and officials are primarily concerned with keeping a low profile with the neighboring barbarians and renovating the city bathsÔÇöwith the exception of the crotchety old bishop. But when young Falx runs away, and finds a lost barbarian girl, things begin to happen. The children are brought back by a one-eyed merchant who returns them to an Iscium quivering with the possibility of a barbarian invasion. The mysterious merchant has a planÔÇöinvolving two talking ravens and The Hallelujah ChorusÔÇöand life is never quite the same again, for either the Romans or their invaders. A zany mix of history, humor, and the miraculousÔÇöin the satisfying tradition of Don Camillo.

"You must have known when you sent Between the Forest and the Hills that I would love this book.
"I was hooked from the first chapter. This is written for young adults, but old adults (and those in between) will enjoy in just as much. I started to keep notes of favorite passages, then stopped because I was writing something from every page.
"The characters are so believable, sympathetic, humanÔÇöeven flaws are viewed with compassion. And what a good, satisfying ending!"
ÔÇöEthel Pochocki, author of Once Upon a Time Saints

Lawrence, Ann


Bethlehem Books

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ISBN/Code: 1883937396

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