A Blessed Lent: Meditations on the Readings and Prayers of the Mass
A Blessed Lent: Meditations on the Readings and Prayers of the Mass
Lent is a time of spiritual combat for the Christian, to whom the Church reaches out with support and encouragement, feeding her children with the Eucharist, Word and Prayer.
Drawing on the liturgy of each day and the precious gift of the Prayers over the People, now restored to the Missal, Fr Bochanski leads us into a deeper meditation on the meaning of our Lenten Easter journey.
Father Philip Bochanski, C.O., was ordained a priest in 1999. In 2004 he joined the Philadelphia Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri. He is involved in the ministry of adult faith formation, and is chaplain for the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters in Philadelphia.
Bochanski, Fr Philip G
Catholic Truth Society UK
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Catholic Truth Society UK
ISBN/Code: 9781860828997
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